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Odor Control is a highly concentrated formula designed to combat malodors from many different sources. This potent formula brings three levels of attack to knock down strong odors – a…


731 is a 10X concentrated, bio-based, natural solution for various indoor and outdoor stains, soils, and odors. This concentrated formula works to permanently eliminate organic matter that causes stains and…

Bacteria Concentrate 4,000 B 20X HF reduces the accumulation of grease in sumps, drains, and traps and prevents blockages. Bacteria Concentrate 4,000 B 20X HF contains concentrated microorganisms that are…

SIMULSOL™ SL 4 C is an alkylpolyglucoside prepared from glucose and butanol. Its numerous properties like low foaming power, a wide range of pH compatibility, electrolyte resistance, viscosity reduction, and safety…

Aquacid 105NS is an organophosphate with multifunctional properties like sequestration of hardness salts and heavy metals, deflocculation, threshold inhibition and hydrolytic stability as a single active ingredient. Because of the…

Aquacid 1095 EX is an organophosphate, that offers multiple properties like sequestration, deflocculation, threshold Inhibition, and hydrolytic stability as a single active ingredient leading to multiple applications.

Aquacid 108NS is a special grade of Amino trimethylene phosphonic acid certified by NSF for drinking water treatment applications. It is a cost-effective organophosphate exhibiting sequestration of hardness ions, and…

Aquacid-106NS is a special grade of partially neutralized salt of DETMP certified by NSF for drinking water treatment applications. Aquacid-106NS exhibits excellent sequestration of metal ions at stoichiometric concentrations and…

Tomakleen™ G-12 is an additive designed for improved cleaning performance while reducing or eliminating the need for oxygenated solvents. It is readily biodegradable and is not considered a VOC under CARB 310.

SIMULSOL™ SL 82 is a powerful degreasing surfactant designed to remove oil and grease while also permitting a quick split of emulsified oils or greases after operations. SIMULSOL is especially designed for alkaline operations. SIMULSOL SL 82 is a foaming surfactant which is ideal for formulation foaming degreasing composition.