What is Exilva Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC)
Sea-Land Chemical Company |
Exilva is a new type of bio-based additive and microfibrillated cellulose, tailored to improve performance in waterborne and polar product systems. The many benefits Exilva can deliver include improved performance in anti-settling and anti-sedimentation through improved yield stress, versatility and flexibility in formulations through robustness to shear, pH and temperature, as well as improving the sustainability profile.

Exilva is an insoluble microfibrillated cellulose, which consists of an entanglement of the cellulose fibers which has the ability to interact both physically through its extreme surface area and chemically through hydrogen bonding. Its novel nature gives it rheological and mechanical functionalities, which as an additive, imparts a unique combination of properties in finished product systems. Exilva is manufactured in Norway by Borregaard, and produced as 2% suspension and 10% paste. Exilva is a completely bio-based product, sourced from Norwegian forests and a USDA Certified BioBased Product.